
Dr. Ursula Versteegen Ursula Versteegen is a co-founder of the Institute of Mindful Agriculture, Presencing Institute and the Society for Organizational Learning. She is a team member and trainer of the Eurasia Learning Institute, facilitating social change toward new development paradigms such as Gross National Happiness.

She is an action researcher and social activist with an aspiration to bringing forth profound societal change that allows all of us to re-connect to ourselves, each other and planet earth. Her particular interest is in exploring the riddle of social fields: how can awareness based practices help shift the patterns of relationships amongst multiple well-intended individual stakeholders from co-creating results that no-one wants, towards communities of trust generating collective capacity for action addressing the big challenges of our times?

Ursula has been working with the social technologies of presencing in business, education, health care and the agro-food-value chain for the past 20 yrs. She holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from University of Freiburg in Germany and a Masters of Public Health from Harvard School of Public Health.